Monday, October 26, 2009

A Warm Fall Day

We went to the Bialestock/ Abramowitz wedding last night and got to bed late.
Was hoping to sleep in today but Moses had other plans ;)
After hearing that the weather was nice and all that was needed was a light jacket,
we headed out for Lefferts Park. Just Moses and Mommy!
We live a block away from the park but one block when Moses is walking can take
a while, he checked out all the cool trucks, leaves, birds, etc. on the way there.
On Shabbos I taught him how to say 'bird' !! So he had fun chasing the birds while calling after them. *soo proud*
He was soo excited when a group of girls from Bnos Menachem came running in to the park, he joined them in the run until he fell down :( but no booboos for this big boy!
An ambulance came driving by with its siren and lights flashing so Moses raised his hand high up and waved hello.

Moses has been using his words more lately, instead of just crying he'll say 'no' in english or yiddish and he loves the word 'more' and he learned the word 'help' soooo yum!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New Shoes and I can put them on all by myself!!

Moses's new shoes are from Ecco! They are faded blue and such a big boy size 5 1/2!!!!
When did my baby get so big???
Last night he tried them on for Daddy but when Daddy took them off for bed, Moses was sad :'( He wanted to wear his new shoes all night! So he opened them up like Mommy does, making sure to hold the tongue out of his way while putting his foot in.
It took a little longer then Mommy but he got them in and was soo happy :D

Mommy and Daddy love their Big Baby Boy!

Today he went shopping for new Yom Tov clothing with
his friend NuNews. He got to ride in NuNews's stroller in the bottom
seat (Phil&Teds) and he went on the subway!
We got him 2 shirts, 2 pairs of pants, a sweater and a sweater vest!!
Moses looks soo handsome!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Wrong Numbers

I've thought of a new advertisement for cellphones (not that they need one!);
"so easy, your toddler can use it!"
Now this might seem great cause if G-d forbid theres an emergency and you baby gets a hold of the cellphone, presses a number and talk and tada! they've called someone for you!. Buuuuuuut the more common scenario is you see your little
toddler running around with the phone saying "hello! hi! HIII! hiii! Hey!" and then hear another voice... not yours and not your childs...saying "who is THIS?" Yep thats your
toddler calling the last person who called you! Some strange lady from some strange office.
Worse part is you hang up and hope they don't have caller ID, 5 minutes later she calls up,
addresses you by your first name and asks if you just called her!

Awww the life of a toddlers Mommy!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

One Shoe, Two Shoe, Blue Shoe, Red Shoe Where did they all go?

We both needed OUT! So I dressed Moses in his swim clothes and put his crocs on.
While running around grabbing a towel, clean clothes, diapers, etc. Moses approached me with my own shoe encouraging and even showing me how to put my shoe on. He didn't want his diaper bag he just wanted Mommy to get ready and take him out!
Telling him one moment I hurried up running through the bedrooms till his bag was ready and I just needed shoes. But upon approaching the diningroom I found only one shoe, the one he was NOT holding. I put the one shoe on, asking him for mommy's other shoe, he looked at me and came over to touch my one shoe. So I removed the one shoe and went to get another pair, so he ran to show me he had my shoe! The same one I had just removed :D

We went to the park, Moses played in the sprinkler, got exhausted and came home to nap.
I was in the kitchen making myself some hot cocoa (??summertime??) when as throwing a napkin in the garbage I had to take a second look..... you guessed it, my missing shoe!

Monday, July 27, 2009

A fresh face among the blogworld

Mind if I welcome myself, introduce myself and then after I've finished my converstion with myself, maybe you'll add in :D

First let me say HI! I started this blog so family and friends (and me!) can keep up with the day to day life of my little Boy.
Every moment is a discovery for him; An ant crawling on the ground, the garbage can, my make-up, etc. To him they are treasures and he is the pirate discovering, destroying and putting them back together.

So here we are starting our first blog so we can share our adventures together with you,
sit tight and stay off the deck, the waves are high and were sailing to someplace unknown!