Tuesday, August 4, 2009

One Shoe, Two Shoe, Blue Shoe, Red Shoe Where did they all go?

We both needed OUT! So I dressed Moses in his swim clothes and put his crocs on.
While running around grabbing a towel, clean clothes, diapers, etc. Moses approached me with my own shoe encouraging and even showing me how to put my shoe on. He didn't want his diaper bag he just wanted Mommy to get ready and take him out!
Telling him one moment I hurried up running through the bedrooms till his bag was ready and I just needed shoes. But upon approaching the diningroom I found only one shoe, the one he was NOT holding. I put the one shoe on, asking him for mommy's other shoe, he looked at me and came over to touch my one shoe. So I removed the one shoe and went to get another pair, so he ran to show me he had my shoe! The same one I had just removed :D

We went to the park, Moses played in the sprinkler, got exhausted and came home to nap.
I was in the kitchen making myself some hot cocoa (??summertime??) when as throwing a napkin in the garbage I had to take a second look..... you guessed it, my missing shoe!

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