Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pacifiers, Underwear and Big Boy Bikes

May I just say the best part of potty training is the lack of stinky dirty diapers :) I don't miss those! Thats right Moses is pretty much potty trained, Sunday we bought him underwear and Monday we even ventured out in them. We went to visit his friend Benny and he wore his big boy underwear. We were nervous about the strange toilet but Benny had a potty seat just like Moses except his is an Elmo potty seat!! How much cooler can it get????!

The one thing that does come with potty training and isn't so cool is the toilet paper obsession. He loves to pull and pull and pull as the toilet paper unwinds and unwinds and unwinds ;) yea you get the picture; And don't kid yourself for a second it ALL gets to go in the toilet and in one big pile. Going to have to keep an eye on that.

Moses is now riding his big boy bike (a 2 wheeler with training wheels). Mommy is soo proud of him. He went for a ride around the block today with his Aunt and Daddy. Right now he's busy making pizza with his Nana (a moment for me to type).

Our big boy's secret (well not so much a secret) is he loves his pacifier and doesn't seem interested in totaly giving it up yet for bedtime. Essie on the other hand has never liked a pacifier. She thinks their all too big for her mouth and get in the way of other much tastier things. Buuut if her brother is sleeping and she is perfectly positioned so she could totaly just slide around a bit, lean forward and grab that pacifier from her sleeping big brother's mouth..... You get the picture, the pacifier is totaly a hit object when its her winning over her brother.

Loving the Mommy life and hoping for that sorta planned vacation next week,
-Mrs. Mommy

Monday, June 7, 2010

Who wants Candy?

I know I do, so does my son but he wants a different type of candy. The one I want has 4 tires, a fully reclining seat and double seat(!), a basket to hold my diaper bag and other goodies :)Haven't heard of this candy? Its the iCandy Apple / Pear www>icandyamerica.com

So now that you've teared your eyes away from the website and have begun to think up ways to convince you Hubby you NEED one, I'll let you in on a little secret.
*Baby Gizmo is giving one away FREE* Crazy right? Here's the details:
1 photograph your old broken down stroller (let your creative side out)
2 email the photograph and the following info to contact@babygizmo.com by 11:59 CST June 11, 2010

* Your Name
* E-mail Address
* City & State you live in
* Phone Number
* Who referred you? (Did you hear about the contest from another blog or retailer?) Tell us who because they could win too!
* A short explanation to why you need a new luxury stroller!


PS. Don't forget to tell them you heard it from me :)

Good luck!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Iowa............breath in the fresh air!

We have arrived and are somewhat settled! Its amazing to walk outside and smell fresh grass, trees, flowers etc. The streets are clean and the sidewalk is barefoot worthy! Shoes, socks (shirts & pants sometimes in my son's case!) are long forgotten, packed somewhere in a drawer nice and clean.

Yesterday we went for a walk and decided to check out the Public Library.
It opens at 2pm so we had to wait a few minutes, it was fun to discover that there was actually a group of people waiting outside this small town library! Wifi and computers are attracting :)

Since we've arrived here I've seen so many spiders and it made me realize how little I've seen spiders in the year we lived in New York City. No I'm not complaining, I'll take the spiders!

So excuse me now as I sign off and run outside before it rains.